Let’s just break it down. Two things. The meeting Wednesday morning was about keeping Cedric in power and justifying all the crazy efforts to keep the regime in place. They…that would be the Cromwellians started questioning the reimburseent of Chief Earl Mills for doing WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE BY STABALIZING THE PARSONAGE. So we’re not going to get into the absurdity of them asking if it was David Pocknett or Earl who was getting the money, because it was about them all trying to justify their total indifference and incompetence regarding their responsiblity to the Tribe.
Number 2. Tribal members have a bunch of petitions circulating that were supposed to be heard Thursday. All to get rid of Cedric etc, etc. Well of course clinging to power is the goal, so they “suspended” the meeting. Its another case of the tribal members following the rules and Shovel Ready Ceddie thwarting them. But Trish Kelliinui sent out the ” suspended meeting” notice. Whoever heard of that? You postpone but you can’t suspend or cancel that kind of meeting. Anyway, at Mark Hardings house with Paula Peters leading the desperation agenda they crafted the plan to suspend the meeting. They were all upset and freaking out. It’s kind of hard to design an exit strategy when your entire agenda has been self serving.
Just resign Cedric and Je$$ie. Do your family a favor.
During the meeting they never got to the 3 day suspension of Carlton Hendricks Jr, for making fun of “Big Time Indian” Gordon Harris and his ” studder”. But they were totally obsessed with trying to get their hands on the last $700k from Genting.
Remember, this about paying Cedric’s crew not about how to stabalize the Tribe. Just remember that.