Mass Gaming Commission knows SRC is plagued with hurdles and never had a plan for the Tribe to benefit.
Shovel Ready Ceddie is in a full blown panic. He’s claiming the state gaming commission will loose big if it issues a license to another gaming group in the southeast region.It doesn’t mean the Tribe cannot move forward, it just means the state wants guaranteed revenue. He is also inferring that if the state does issue a second license, the state will violate the compact. Actually it is the direct opposite.
Once again, it is the Tribe that will violate the Compact because the tribe cannot fulfill the requirements in the agreement with the state
- NO Investor or Bank to pay for the $500m “Resort Casino” They intend to go on a dog and pony show around the country trying to find a way to pay for it. That could take years. Casinos are not a good investment anywhere in the world especially since we have NO COLLATERAL and because ANY PROFIT WOULD GO TO GENTING TO PAY OFF THE HORRENDOUS DEBT. WE AS TRIBAL MEMBERS WILL NOT SEE A DIME FOR 11 YEARS. THAT’S GREAT ISN’T IT ?
- Plan to use a warehouse for the first phase of the casino because they have no money to finance anything. A CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE COMPACT because it does not comply with the definition of a resort casino.
- The clock starts ticking TODAY for the 6 year window of opportunity to sue over the legitimacy of the Land in Trust decision handed down by the BIA. Check previous posts that outline the reasons legal experts say the decision is as flawed as it is invalid and subject to be struck down.
- Cannot pay off the original investors. That’s $60m that must be paid. A CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE COMPACT.

Cedric never intended to get this far. He squandered what opportunity we had to live with dignity on our homeland. A White man would have done a better job.
And lastly, to suggest that the Tribe is some kind of competitive threat in the gaming arena is a stretch.Without financing, the damned thing will never be built. The Brockton group is a much more reliable license option because they have their plan, a better location, financing and a reputable track record. Unfortunately for the Tribe, SRC and his crew have squandered our opportunity to be self sustaining and instead have used us to serve gaming giant Genting and of course get paid. Cedric never intended to get this far. Never planned for it or an end game that would benefit us. He has no passion or love for the Tribe because he can’t love what he does not know. Plus he was never accepted.
Ironically, the state has to decide if it wants to risk the loss of hundreds of millions of tax dollars, and months of waiting,betting that Shovel Ready Ceddie will abide by the compact and actually scale YET MORE HURDLES. And we have not even talked about the Indian Gaming regulations that they have not complied with.
The March date to issue a license lends credence to the huge possibility that the state wants another license out there that they can count on to bring in money.
Big question is who’s financing our phantom casino? Right. You would think they would tell us something. Bet the Gaming Commission is interested too.