We warned you

They were so happy about their victory. Just giddy. For us …not so much. With only $107k in the checking account paying them for a month would cut the balance in half. And all we could say is that we have been grifted, again.

The Child King wasted little time swearing in his officers and Uncle to Council. A complete reversal of the previous election that brought candidates who opposed his do-nothing policies. He stalled for two weeks afraid that they were going to kick him off Council for the Plymouth Plantation robbery. The failure to remove Weeden would lead to a stream of shaming of the Tribe both in public and through illicit accusations. And when his ticket won this year, he was jubilant. Like a child.

The Tribe’s future was in the hands of his crew, looking for a paycheck and nothing else. They are incapable of delivering the services their

The Artful Dodger is the poster child for the slogan “Elections have consequences.” Sadly, we can only send up a prayer for the Creator to have mercy.

offices dictate.  Knowing Bobby and his shady ways, expect him to keep trying to cash in on his deal for a Gaming Authority contract.  You will recall CK and Fenton made that promise in exchange for Foster’s endorsement and dropping out of the Treasurer’s race. It was a shrewd move because Bobby could not win but would only take votes from Fenton which would help Aaron. Election Committee Chair Kimmie Frye secured the scheme by removing Bobby from the ballot without a vote of the committee.  Another illegal move, along with her allowing 75 young members (not enrolled) to register and vote. So, it’s tough for Gaming Authority members to cozy up to the scandalous Bobby. But it shows you the mind set of “The Artful Dodger.” He’s responsible for the financial crisis and will not hesitate to keep milking the Tribe.  He’s been doing it for nearly 25 years.  Why change now?

Poor Fenton thought he could trick us, but he got bamboozled by Paula. Hampered by a huge learning curve, even when he asks her for the truth, she will lie. Everyone’s taking bets on how long he lasts. For now, he has been formally inducted into CK’s Tribal Council Purgatory.

Fenton, meanwhile, revealed his Canal Street instincts when he demanded a salary of upwards of $150K. He said, “He had to be made whole.” Well, that means that he had to make more than his $67K salary he receives at the Grocery Store Branch of Citizens Bank at Stop and Shop. By our calculations that’s more than double.

Ok so instead of fixing the financial mess (Bobby made), we have the outgoing and the incoming treasurers trying to enrich themselves.  With this regime it’s never about the Tribe, is it?  To be fair, Canal Street did make a run at appearing interested in getting the detail on the financial mess.   His request for documents was so off everyone thought it was a prank. You could hear the laughter all over the building.


Since there is no “strategic plan,” CK tossed questions about the upcoming layoffs to the TA and immediately went into hiding. One thing for certain the lack of cash flow and the inability to account for $13m spent over the last year is troubling for Tribal members. But worse, the current investors will not sink another dime into the Tribal government.   Getting the loan debt (reduced by VC Hendricks) payment is their sole interest.

The Malaysians actually showed up to have a little chat. CK & his minions ghosted them.  It really didn’t matter because none of the Tribal officers know anything about the gaming needs or financial structure, least of all CK. But why would they indict themselves? CK no longer has the work horses to dump the work on.  He’s all alone with his sycophants who can produce nothing.

Gross Negligence

  • Ellen Frye has been in charge of the $9.1m Broadband grant for 30 months.  She’s been getting a salary (we don’t know how much and so has Magpie). Wait for it. She never set up

    Ellen is an incorrigible bombast who is allowed to do what she does. We may never know why she continues to be mad at the world and attack everyone in her path. Ahem

    the infrastructure product. Alex was likely in there rooting around.  But we never got any report on that huge program.  It was designed to jumpstart internet cable service for tribal homes. Eventually it would allow us to sell that product to the town and surrounding communities. We would have a free cable, and establish a business that makes money.  She’s also getting money out of the general fund adding to her salary.  Only her relatives in finance know what she’s making. But she gets paid and does nothing.

  • The Gaming Authority is governed by the chairman.  The funding is separate from grant and general fund pots of money (which are pretty much depleted). The investors fund that entity because it is for the gaming projects exclusively.   We really don’t know the balance. It could be a $1m it could be $2m.  We do know the Bobby wants to get paid outta that fund. Paula’s Smoke Signals gets paid outta there to the tune of over $350k a year to produce and publish the Mittark and maintain the website. All bad.  They could do it for half of that but they like to gouge.

    Cherp Cherp is always talking about “our ways” like she’s an authority. One of her uncles gave her that nickname for obvious reasons. That’s our way.

    Just a reminder. Paula is the publicist for CK and spends the money to promote him, and herself, not the Tribe.  Not very smart actually. It’s easier to praise the greatness of our ancestors that include all of our families, her father, uncles and aunts, than the likes of a Child King who continues to humiliate us on a daily basis. That defines cowardice. Seems to be her passion. But we shouldn’t have to pay for it.


  • Ellen Frye has won 2nd place on the national “DO NOT HIRE” list falling behind President Donald Trump who said, “She was one hell of an opponent!” Robin Tobey came in 3rd for consistently undermining the goals of her many job descriptions and advocating for restraining orders on people before they could file them on her.