We waited a couple of months, silently to see if certain people would get their mind right. And she didn’t. You know who. Tah Tah Deja vu has done it again. Wrecking havoc now with the new Tribal Council that’s trying to actually work. Course she’s not alone in the “don’t wanna have a council meeting cause people will ask about my gigantic salary” category. It’s a salary she can’t justify because she cannot do her job. She doesn’t like being the treasurer just the salary. She likes power and revenge but not responsibility. She sabotages meeting quorums feyning illness while her brand new Audi is seen parked at a familiar place where she’s partying.

TT Deja vu does her ominous threat dance around certain people. Hea yah, hea yah, hea yah…. “It’s me Tah Tah!”
She is back to terrorizing just about everyone in the government center because she covets the Human Resources post….of all things. She rolled up on Denise and Armani who were laughing about her inability to figure out the most basic duties of the Treasurer. She got Armani fired. Meanwhile, she opens people’s mail (we got that from three different staffers and Department heads). She hides people’s keys, lies, and has returned to sending wacky emails that make no sense.
But it’s just not funny because she has no idea how to allocate the $15 million we received from the federal government. She’s the one authorized to make those expenditures and avoids it like the plague. It’s the damnedest thing. Thus the stalling and excuses and the Tribe getting nowhere fast.To top it off, she wants to borrow more millions from Genting rather than spend the interest free money we have! She knows how to spend that $7k she gets every month but can’t fulfill her duty to the Tribe.
Tribal members are taking note. They are angry not only about her salary but the lack of action by the negligent council leaders. It’s about the lack of accountability with fewer and fewer meetings you see. It got so bad Wednesday night that Carlton Hendricks Jr. had to call an emergency meeting because all of a sudden too many people were sick to have a quorum. So the emergency meeting was called. There were 50 tribal members on that zoom call and council members interested in doing their jobs moved forward with some budget issues. That was after absurd group texts about who was in charge legally.
Here’s the thing. Congress just passed over a $1.2 trillion dollars infrastructure legislation Friday. The President will probably sign it into law this weekend. That has more millions for us to establish our TOTAL LACK OF INFRASTRUCTURE! Then there’s millions more ahead in the Build Back Better legislation that will pass before the new year. So are we going to wait around for Tah Tah Deja vu to figure it out?
The first allotment is already in jeopardy because of her incompetence. We stand to lose more than money with the stranglehold Tah Tah Deja vu has on certain people. There’s nothing she knows that we don’t know. One thing for sure…the delaying tactics won’t work for long. Those days of pure unadulterated lunacy are gone.