The Harvard report is an assessment of tribal governance and their report on the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal government reconfirmed the majority of criticisms by Reel Wamps. You may want to read it again ( April 21) if you need to refresh the horror story by outside experts.
Tribal members seem to have given up on expecting a properly run government so we’ll just give you the latest example of their disregard for serving the members.
Leslie Jonas did not take the Housing Director job. Scared probably. She certainly is not qualified and she can’t explain or fix the many problems in Housing… HUD is not a kind master. Mark Harding knows this too. Strange loans and appropriations to people in high places etc., etc., So who do they pick to be the 5th Interim Housing Director? Patricia Keliinui.Wow. Phew…..
Here’s the clincher. The tribe lost the $275,000 Native Scholars grant because sources say Renee Pocknett didn’t fill out the paper work to renew the vital program. You may recall that the Harvard report said the tribal education program was really screwed up with a lot of big salaries and no help for our kids. Nothing. Three dysfunctional committees that have no authority to do anything…just like Housing.
There’s more revelations you won’t believe…but we don’t want to ruin your week end.