Genting never really had any cool points, so we can only say that they’re operating at a huge deficit. It’s a two-edged sword that cuts deep into the tribal preditor’s reputation. Their treatment of us is clearly one of the biggest scandals ever in Indian Country. But their cheesy side lays bare the deadbeat nature of the gaming moguls who have enslaved us.
According to the Associated Press, Genting Hong Kong is once again in trouble because the government wants to seize a second ship from its Crystal Cruise line. Genting’s fuel bill is still looming. AP says the ships are sitting in the Bahamas after they sent a second set of stuck passengers back to Miami on little skiffs. Course the passengers got a full refund.

A second Genting Hong Kong ship left Miami never to return to avoid a federal court-ordered seizure. Incredible.
WHERE THE HELL IS OUR REFUND for over $800 million in loans that paid for girlfriends, boyfriends, cronies, prep schools, porn videos, hotel rooms limos airfares, consultants, contractors, vendors, and lawyers who never hit a lick for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe? There was a time when one law firm was billing the Tribe $60,000 a month and delivered nothing. No land in trust, nothing. We should have stock in Genting’s Las Vegas casino that looks identical to what we were supposed to have built.
But we don’t.
Maybe we could share in the profits since we helped build it. Now that’s a clever plan!
Next UP ….that elusive BUDGET (now 32 months past due), is it on the way or is it a Tah Tah head fake.