A couple more things

There was some positive activity generated from the Wednesday meeting. We are moving forward with a badly needed tribal drug rehab/recovery house. The sadness of repeated death caused by drug addiction has risen to crisis proportions.The house should help us help our people.

It’s early but so far Greendeer has been slow on delivering everything but the MIttark back to Paula Peters and a big contract to his friend.

Another positive was the “strategic planning” session with TA David Greendeer set for April 8-9th from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Tribal members have complained that the government has no direction or priorities.  Hopefully, after 3 months on the job, Greendeer’s plan will be more decernable than the bungled 8A plan involving mystery man Alex Rodriquez.


Tah Tah promised to deliver the tribal budget 2 weeks ago at the Sunday meeting.  Not only did she fail to produce a budget, she didn’t even show up for the meeting. Well, it’s been 9 months coming on her watch and three years under her predecessor “Knees Knocking” Gordon Harris without a tribal budget.  Well, Tah Tah was bumping around right after the Sunday meeting trying to conjure up something to justify her big fat check…..so she decided to implement a paperless deposit system.  Well, she revives Gordon’s outdated program and then hires some consultants out of New Mexico to train staff on it. The trainers accents were so strong no one could understand what they were saying. Her incompetence is played out every day with stupid stuff like this.

True story.

But not funny at all is Tah Tah’s promise Wednesday to have a “draft budget” in two weeks. A draft budget. So 10 months and $80k later, Tah Tah has no tribal budget and still lying her behind off.  She is such a tyrant, the entire Council is numbed into silence by her outrageous rambling and disruptions.

We’re paying for comedy that ain’t funny at all.