Last night’s Tribal Council meeting gave us a front row seat to history and the evolution of the Child King’s

Brian Weeden could have been the pride of the Tribe. He chose instead to disappoint us over and over again.
fiefdom. The debate revealed who believed in the rule of law and who worshiped at the foot of the Child King. The center of the storm once again is CK’s dear friend Minnie Winnie. So, with Rita’s resignation, he hastily called a meeting some weeks ago. He installed his cohort with a Council vote that barely made a quorum. The Constitution be damned. The Constitution says that within a year of that election, the replacement shall be the next highest vote getter to the person being replaced (Rita). Otherwise, you have to have a special election.
As it turns out, Winnie Johnson Graham was not the next vote getter. Not even close. It was Natana who was elected to a seat. But there’s more….Winnie came in 4th behind Rita.
Here’s the vote count
Nelson 298
Mingo 285
Rita 270
Nitana 258
Roxanne 228
Winnona 192
Winnie 185

Pocknett checked the Council about using abstentions to avoid making tough votes. The membership should know where they stand on issues.
Let’s back up to Public Comment for a minute. David Pocknett reminded Council members that their habit of constantly abstaining on votes actually violates their oath of office in many ways. He emphasized that we elect them to take a position and vote. Evading responsibility is not part of the deal. And he’s right.
So the resolution to have a Special Election was on the table. Let’s be clear. The Constitution is sacrosanct. It is Tribal law. It is clear that the person placing second behind the candidate whose seat is in contention takes the seat, if the vacancy occurs within a year of the election. Well, as usual, the intent of the law was ignored. CK had to rebuild his voting block with the addition of Winnie,” The Biggest Loser.” And trust us. He’s making a lot of promises around that table.
We all know Winnie would not survive a Special Election. She was stomped when she ran for Vice Chair against Carlton Hendricks, Jr. in 2021 who beat her by 99 votes. In a Tribal election that’s a thrashing. Apparently that humiliation wasn’t enough which brings us to her run for Council where she came in 7th behind Lovely Winnona no less. Tribal members were done with The Biggest Loser.
WAMP FACT: The Biggest Loser was banned from attending the Elders Lunch & Learn and fired from

Winnie’s importance to CK’s power grab sunk to a new low when he restored “The Biggest Loser” to the Council. It reeks of desperation in light of the fact that he okayed her removal from various jobs and posts at the height of her disruptive and vulgar behavior.
working at the farm after a screeching sexually derogatory comments at male workers. Winnie sold the Tribe a broken-down Bobcat for $12K. And prior to that she was jailed for beating up her pregnant cousin. It’s a lot. But it’s on the record as truth.
During the Special Election debate, Hendricks argued the need to understand and protect the Constitution, the integrity of the Tribal political process, and responsibilities of elected Council members. Winnie was inappropriately allowed to deliver another one of her grievous rants: “We all know what you’re trying to do. You can’t stand me. You talk about integrity. You don’t have integrity. I have integrity. I have served as a volunteer for 30 years. My people know me as a loving person. They told me they want us to work together.” At Reel Wamps we were listening to her blather with her nasty tone of indignance. It made us laugh out loud and spill the popcorn. Ya, she actually said she has integrity. What she has is amnesia.
But more seriously the Chief brought reality to the discussion by pointing out Tribal traditions in selecting leaders and its relationship to what is law. He said, “I don’t care for some parts of our Constitution, but it is the law. The section about taking the second highest vote getter is the problem. So what do we do when the second highest vote getter is not available, do we go to the next one and the next one and the next one down the line? Our tradition has always been to vote for our representatives. Always. That’s why we should have a Special Election.” Apparently, some Council members had little interest in allowing the Tribe to vote. Anointing Winnie was the goal. Kind of a monarchy thing.
The last time this issue came up we ended up with Bobby Foster as the Treasurer because Brian wanted him there. Heretofore, that method had never been used before. They fought over the “within the calendar year” requirement (for the second highest vote getter). Missing that deadline requires a Special Election. Did it start from the day of the election or in January? Stupid. Obvious. The court refused to take it up. Whichever way it you choose to view it, Bobby missed the deadline. Anyway, ignoring the Constitution which mandates an election delivered Bobby as treasurer and you know the rest…now we’re about to get another doozie by ignoring Tribal law.
Roxanne said, “This should be settled in the court.” Of course, Lovely Winnona mimicked, “Ya send it to the court.” Not knowing past history, you’re bound to repeat it.
No one wanted to go down that rabbit hole again.
So, here’s how they voted on your right to vote on Rita’s replacement:
YES Chiefy, Carlo, Nelson, Mingo, Cassy,
NO: Roxanne, Winnona, David, Natana, Guy
An unusually snippy CK snapped at Rebeka, “What’s next?” We were howling. She told him to vote to break the tie. Like he didn’t know…… Incredulous, he snapped, ‘This is where it’s left up to me. I vote NO!”
So, Now The Child King has officially violated the Constitution, tradition and your right to vote.
Another thing to watch is the eventual appearance of the budget. Clearly, CK made some big promises to push Winnie over the line. Certain department heads are mighty short on cash. Keep an eye out.

Poor Guy, He lost respect and relevancy 15 years ago. His purpose in the Traditional Medicine Man role remains unknown.
Another WAMP FACT: Guy Cash is the only Medicine Man in the Wampanoag Nation to get paid. Under Cedric he raked in $75K a year. When the money ran out. He ghosted us. To refer to him as a Medicine Man is a dubious claim. The man does not preside over any ceremony because no one wants him to. The only time you see him is at Council meetings. He has the nerve to stay on. A man without respect or purpose.
As the fall semester approaches for college students, we wanted to make sure that Mashpee Wampanoag parents needing resources for tuition and other costs check with the Rhode Island Indian Council. Most of our parents are well acquainted with RIIC, but for those who are not, they’re extremely helpful in providing assistance to Native families. Contact Colleen De Vincentis @ 401-781-1098