Emergency Meeting tonight—Winnie launches Tribal Council Purgatory

Treasurer Fenton Soliz said, “I’ve never heard such unprofessional language.” He was talking about the newly elected Vice Chairwoman Winnie who was screeching at the TA. The Tribal Administrator was reviewing the layoff strategy and true to form, the Vice Chairwoman went off, saying she “didn’t want to hear nothing about no @#$$$%%$# layoffs!”  As we said Fenton, welcome to Tribal Council Purgatory, you’ve been inducted, and you didn’t even know it.

After that little performance, the TA quit. So here we are. Broke as a joke and no way to pay the bills. And no plan to get the money to fix it.

Wait a minute, maybe the officers could give up their salaries and volunteer for the good of the Tribe. Whoever brings some money in gets their salary back. That would be a novel idea.

Emergency Meeting 5:30.