The Clambake is now turning into a logistical nightmare. It became a PR nightmare in a matter of hours.
First, they can’t find enough Mashpee to do the bake, because no one wants to be bothered with Cedric, Aaron and the Bomber Jacket Elders. So now they have to hire some White guys to do the overflow of about 200…and probably another 200 because it’s turning into a Cape wide free for all. You can’t even tell tell who’s who of the illegal aliens…..thank you very much Jessie Baird.
Wait a minute, you sure can tell cause the real Mashpee want to get their dinners and go home.
We think Natalie’s idea is a good one. Just have a drive thru. You never have to get out of your car….or listen to Cedric.
Mashpee Ingenuity.