Category Archives: News

When ya don’t know what ya don’t know….

You know, our political history is a barometer of how things go south. It’s pretty remarkable. Here’s where the problem began.  By the early 70’s, the White people started moving into Mashpee.  They already stole and developed New Seabury, heretofore known as South Mashpee, and things started sliding.  They never wanted to come around the rotary down Great Neck Road. But when they ventured in, they took over politically, outnumbered us and began erasing us culturally and politically.  Those of us who say they don’t like politics apparently aren’t living because everything we do is political.  Our relationship with the Creator is the only instance where there is no compromise.

Anyway they never knew what to do or think about us.  Thier deference toward us was short lived. And the racism crept in as usual and never left. So here we are. And any respect for our people or our government has diminished beyond recognition, and we can attribute much of it to The Child King.

We have a Tribal Chairman, who is charged with felonies (sound familiar?) and rumored to be testifying

Popular Mashpee Selectman Steve Peters offers commitment by way of the time-honored handshake with Selectman Leo “Benny” Peters as Selectman Harrison Frye looks on. In our political culture, your word was (is) your bond. It is the only certainty anywhere in the world of politics.

against his cousin in July as part of his plea deal. Philly doesn’t deserve that, and we all know that if that’s the case it could be devastating.  It’s so outrageous, and the way The Child King carried on when he was threatened with council removal was even more disgraceful.  Anyone else would have had the decency to resign to spare us the humiliation. But just like that “other guy,” it’s all about him.

Another quick rewind about our past politics. In the mid ’30’s a Harvard sociologist was researching the governing dynamics of small towns in Massachusetts. Of course, “The Old Indian Towne of Mashpee” received prominence in the report for its remarkable sophistication and foresight. The sociologist said the “Tribal Council hashed out issue differences before the required Town Hall meeting and provided a united front.” They did it that way because state house legislators frequently showed up to spy during the town meetings. That’s called walking in two worlds. We used it for centuries as the primary survival mechanism. And one of our renowned leaders was Steve Peters who leveraged his relationships with Joe Kennedy, the Roosevelt administration and the statehouse power brokers to benefit his people.  That’s how it’s supposed to work for tribal leaders who walk in both worlds.

A rare moment. The chairman in his office. Notice the clean desk. No one ever takes a picture with a desk so immaculate. (sigh…)

Unfortunately, we have none of that with Brian Weeden. The only thing you can count on is that he will be absent from even the most basic events and responsibilities. That is the easiest part of the job.  He has no interest is visiting with members. The Walk of Honor for Mashpee High School graduates for one. An important milestone for Tribal families. The chairman was somewhere else and assigned no one to the ceremony. Now you will recall during his Peter Pan days on the Youth Council he kept extending the age limit, until he qualified to run for Council.  We thought he was gunning for life membership. Everything is a steppingstone for his personal gain.

And once again, serious accusations of racism continue to bubble up at the Mashpee School. As a tribal chairman, and a school committee member, he does nothing.  No investigation nothing. He chimed in via zoom for the horrible, videoed bullying of the young girl who went missing.  That zoom appearance was on point. But he screwed that up too because he kept talking about himself.  Saying ” I’m not hiding, I’m at NCAI.” Obviously, nothing about next steps and preventive measures came out of his mouth. He was hiding or somewhere he shouldn’t have been. Apparently CK ghosted the NCAI conference for days! Much more telling was that the chief of the host tribe for the NCAI conference had an invite only reception. All the players including Aquinnah and Pequot Chairs were there. The Child King was not invited.

So CK and his bestie Lovely Winona were partying down at NCAI while the Tribe burns. We still don’t understand why she was out there. Still in charge of Operations, Brian has failed miserably at running the government. He is oblivious to the need to hire and replace essential managers.  How can you run something you don’t understand? So we haven’t had a Tribal Administrator since October 2023.  But we never had one. Cuno, Brian’s partner in —–, was on paid vacation for 2 years managing nothing.  We have a Comptroller, John Larson, who is Cuno’s boy, collecting $150k a year and can’t produce a budget or the audits needed to keep most of our grants going. If it weren’t for Nelson Andrews, cranking grants we would be on the side of the road with a tin cup. So, for all practical purposes, the comptroller position is vacant. Andrews resigned as Emergency Management Director accepting an important appointment as FEMA liaison to 10 (eastern) tribal nations. Nelson has set a high bar nationally and continues to bring credibility to our tribal brand. The scary thing is that Brian has assigned liaisons Lovely Winona and Bobby to take over Emergency Management, the most self-sufficient department in the Tribe. Can you imagine those two in charge of millions of dollars in

They’re jealousy of Nelson Andrews is so over the top they dispatched Ellen Frye Sharp to spew nonsense about reimbursements. How about finding that $60k that disappeared on your watch “Little Miss Do Not Hire.”

equipment? Boats, generators, trucks and lots of inventory. Ya… nightmarish! We’re still looking for the Pow Wow money Bobby was last seen with. Marita Scott quit to go on to bigger and better things shortly after she tried to fire an incompetent pal of the Child King’s.  So, the HR post is vacant. The Housing Director position is vacant, but thankfully, Corine has done a serious heavy lift serving as Interim Director. Rita Pocknett’s departure, though a BIA position, was another blow because she is a well-liked tribal member who headed Indian Health Services.  But more importantly, she was a council member who often voted against the Child King regime and CK gleefully expedited her replacement with you know who …ahem. Whatta ya expect? He has no plan, no agenda, he has never helped Tribal members, and has no regrets. It empowered his regime reinforced by his Lady in Waiting, Tribal Attorney Rebeka. The tribal attorney tile is dubious to say the least. She works for the Regime.  To review her work ethic warrants a separate post.  We will say one thing.  When the Genting was paying the tab, she hired more outside counsel than Donald Trump. Again, what does she do for $20K a month?  Write resolutions? Advise Brian?  Once again it was about him not us.

So, we have 6 Department head vacancies, and The Child King continues to show his disinterest in doing his job..

More signs of government collapse is the ransom and hacking of the tribal internet/email system. So damned ridiculous. Lotta money wasted there when internal IT had it worked out. Brian’s pal Alex is suspected of having his sticky little hands all over this and paying the bill for his boutique law firm. The irony is that the zoom Council meeting calls had just been restored with heightened security. That was a good move toward transparency. But when Winnie’s meeting came up…The Iron Curtain came down.  Tribal members could not access the Zoom meeting. Only the lawyers.  Again, why all these lawyers? Well, they had a lot to hide.  And a lot of misinformation was spewed.

The Tribe’s right to know is at stake and THE ELDERS HAVE MADE CLEAR THAT THEY FEEL THE TRIBE’S RIGHT TO VOTE IS IN JEPROADY.  The Elders are hard to fool and for that reason Brian plans to try to move the 2025 election to May, in violation of the Constitution. Wellsa boy! Lookin’ for three extra months’ pay hu? That $35k should go to someone who will work for us.


US Senators Warren and Marky serve us and confirm our government-to-government relationship. CK needs to learn from his fellow officers and get to work so his vision extends beyond nonsensical “deer farm” budget requests.

We saved the best for last.  Secretary Cassie Jackson and Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks, Jr continue to do the work. They secured $1million federal appropriations for the Tribal homeless shelter. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Marky worked with Jackson and Hendricks to get it done.  This is the second successful collaboration by the Secretary and Vice Chairman.  The first was securing the $1.6 million to renovate the Parsonage.

Wednesdays Council meeting should be very interesting. If you can attend in person, you probably should.

Who knows when the Iron Curtain will come down again. Who knows.




Nelson left but ……

He’s still here.  Ya, that’s because Nelson Andrews resigned as Tribal


Nelson’s hard work is repairing our horrible image. Meanwhile, we spent over $2.2 m in the last decade on a Mittark we throw away and worthless emails from “PR” that fail to inform or redeem us to outsiders. Paula’s been riding that gravy train “cherp cherpin’ ” away. Lovely Winnona oversees all that effort. Stop laughing Ahem..

Emergency Mangement Director and took a federal job as the FEMA Region I Tribal Liaison that cover 10 eastern tribal nations… That includes the Mashpee Wampanoag.  Andrews has built an impressive national profile as an emergency management “go to” for Indian Country.  Harvard is putting together a Public Health Emergency Preparedness Steering Board for the CDC and he’s been invited to sit on that panel.

His dossier also includes the recent membership to the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce and a Tribal Governing official for the United Southeastern Tribes.

Nelson has brought in well over $15 m to the Tribe in these leadership roles and on the CDC which is expanding our economic development opportunities. No doubt he will help with the transitioning of the EM Department he built that set the standard in Indian Country. He will be based in Mashpee and remain on the Council.

And our Chairman was re-elected to the Mashpee School Committee, he was unopposed. We’re still searching for his initiatives there.  We have learned that he’s not real interested in his post as Vice Chair of National Council of American Indians.  Officials say he has been absent from the last two meetings.  And the meetings were on Zoom. We have no legislation, money raised, casino financing or even grant initiatives brought forward by the Child King. Talk about leadership… He files frivolous lawsuits against council members and misinforms others to get their votes. He’s an excellent whinner though…excellent. That’s a Child King for ya.

Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia: you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention 

The nightmare returns……Minnie Winnie

Well, we have the best leadership talent in the Tribe leaving their posts to take lucrative jobs. Rita Gonsalves

Rebekah has been milking the Tribe for a long time. Mark Tilden left her in charge of the machinery.

or one headed to California to do consulting work for a tribe out there and so she resigned a couple of days ago.  Well, the Child King, in frantic mode decided to call a meeting to replace Rita right away. So his loyal lawyer Rebeka Salguero (who has been on our payroll for $20K a month for 13 years –$3.120 million- for work a law clerk could do) says you have to take the person who came in second. Little discussion.

That would be Winnie.

But here’s the rub. Council members were missing. The Chief and Medicine Man were missing, 2 Council members were missing. Council members were misinformed about holding special election verses moving Winnie into the slot as Rebeka recommended. It was a move CK made while he had the votes and it was the recommendation made by Rebeka….the Child King’s lady in waiting.

Council members were stunned by the rush to vote within a day of the resignation when they could have waited 30 days. So you know what’s happening here.  The Child King is making a mad dash to run the table to hold on to power.

Child King and Winnie are tight.  What do you think is going to happen with her return? The thought is nauseating.  The unpopularity of these two would be a challenge for Christ the King (God Bless).

Council members phones are exploding with livid Tribal members angry about Winnie’s return. She couldn’t win an election if you allowed the red box people to vote.

So….the Child King is filing frivolous charges against people instead of finding a TA, a replacement for Marita Scott in HR and cleaning up finance. Certain expenditures are very very questionable.

No budget, no audits.  Bad Comptroller, and you have a chairman pontificating at “clan mother” ‘meetings justifying adopting competition dancing categories as justification for clan mothers,


More titillating to come



Little reminder as the Tribal campaigning begins

When the petulant child is in charge things go bad wrong

It’s starting to get a little crazy. But it’s no surprise that the guy that does the least claims credit for doing the most. So, following the path of least resistance, the easiest thing to do is to list the things Brian has done. And that would be zero. None the less, he claims credit for tribal benefits he had nothing to do with …ever. Of course, he’s campaigning early. Ahem. But, it’s like a Hail Mary play by a guy who doesn’t understand that acts of desperation never work.

It takes more than skipping around the circle to lead a Tribe. But apparently, we have a chairman who is leading us into crisis once again.

The most ridiculous is claiming credit for the $15 million given to us in the American Rescue Plan Act that included COVID and stimulus money that was AUTOMATIC to every tribe without request. You will recall that as duo citizens, we received another check from both the Tribe and the US government. He had nothing to do with either.

Then the Child King took credit for the land into trust. That is such a good thing but a painful journey for us. It took 15 additional years to conclude. Thankfully it’s over now. A slog bogged down by the incompetence of the Cromwell Administration.  Brian was a loyalist, along with his uncle David, Cedric’s most obedient servant.

He does not fight for the Tribe like a leader. He does not attend meetings that are critical to our financial future or advance long-term strategies.  He will go out of his way to undermine other council members who are working on important projects and brining in millions by spreading rumors and gossip depending on his mood. He uses his position as chairman to threaten and harass tribal members.  He claims his life has been threatened 3 times. So, Tribal police waste time running around “investigating his nonsense” instead of doing their job! Ridiculous.

Another great example of propaganda is content in the newsletter which is now a PR tool. He credited all his cronies for reworking the wind farm deal. This included his uncle Magpie, an even Bobby Foster like it was a team effort. Magpie, who was the lead on the project was so busy lecturing the federal officials on our relationship with the earth, he was clueless that we were getting screwed on the annual payments.  Again, it took Nelson Andrews to raise the issue.  That got us the millions of dollars we deserve instead of a pittance. Andrews bears the brunt of CK’s wrath. While the grant wizard is oblivious, everyone inside and outside the council know it. Brian even whines about being in Reel Wamps. Well, he should do his job. He and his minions work hard to divert attention from his abysmal record.  They are actively circulating rumors that attack any council member bringing in revenues.

Shoring up the Clan Mothers

So Sunday, CK shows up at the Peters family meeting where there was a discussion about issues surrounding the designation of a clan mother. About 15 members (out of over 60) from the Steve Peters line were there.  Missing were 70+ descendants from Charlie “Todd” Peters (Joe, Hazel, Freddie “Sip”) Marion Peters Hendricks – Margie Hendricks Frye (Ca, Donna, Bonnie, Yvonne, Joanne, Buzzy, Ellen), Pete Peters (Gordon, Eddie), and Federick Peters (Putnam, Pauline, Everett).  We stopped counting and still left a lot of people out. It looked like Brian was there representing Katurah but was justifying clan mothers based on the adoption of competition dances from other tribes. Ok, ah… Other tribal families have shown no interest in clan mothers. The good thing was that the family members really enjoyed the discussion and gathering and will do more.


Trouble is, CK immerses himself in other people’s business instead of handling his own.  Like the finance department debacle. The combined annual salaries of that department are $500,000.00.  The Comptroller, a Greendeer hire, makes $150K a year and the man can’t complete the 2022, 2023 audits. That interferes with our ability to secure grants.  We haven’t had a budget since 2021 and there’s a reason for that.  Any close scrutiny will reveal a horror story. Horror upon horror.  That’s why we don’t have a budget.

And the Child King is worried about clan mothers

Even his travel buddy Bobby Foster, denies any affiliation with his finance department.  Recently, he told a

When Repo Man became the treasurer by default, you could hear the groans all over town. We have been paying his child support bill for a long long time. At least his kids are getting something.

Lovely Winona, Brian’s dear friend standing by at his beck and call.

Tribal member that he is not responsible for the “no account” crew. He’s the treasurer.  His responsibilities are spelled out in the Constitution!  But you have to remember we’re talking about a guy who relied on a forged GED to get every job he’s ever had with the Tribe. Amazing….. He does absolutely nothing but talk foolishness all day long.

He empowers his buddies like Winona who is not only in finance (without a degree) but is also the liaison to the Public Safety Council…Tribal Police. Right. Confidentially is not her strong suit. As a matter of fact, we don’t know what her strong suit is. Get this, she also has oversight of the Mittark….Winona. No further comment necessary.

He just can’t do it

So at the Sunday Meeting, Shelly Pocknett asked David Weeden, the Historic Preservation Officer (wink wink) why the Meeting house security cameras weren’t up and running. He mumbled around and then blamed it on the vendor being unable to get the ” historic ” poles they are supposed to attached to.  So she asked why he didn’t get a deadline, challenge the contractor or look for another one etc. Well whatever the answer it wasn’t the right one. Another example of paying someone who makes no attempt to do the work on something so important to us.











Scams r us

After all these years, Reel Wamps finally figured it out. We have a bunch of people who hold very important jobs. Jobs where what they do or don’t do impact a lot of Tribal members. They keep bumping along doing a little two step in the Circle knowing they will never get fired no matter what they do.  No matter what kind of scandal they’re embroiled in, they keep getting that check.

So, the Weedens have a lock on the dominance as Co-Chairs of NWZ (No Work Zone) also share first place in OSS (Outrageously Stupid Scandals) where they have the nerve to walk around among the people like it’s all normal.  Shameless is the operative word here.  Brian has never apologized to the Tribe and has no intention of doing so. No one can name one project that he has initiated that’s worth mentioning. And yet he fails to attend critical meetings with tribal members or investors but continues traveling all over the place, spending badly needed money. He gives no report, nor does he bring back a single idea to make our lives better.  What he does is show his passion for vindictiveness and dictatorial behavior likening him to a Child King. That’s not a leader.

Now his uncle David, well he’s still in an $80,000.00 a year job where he is unqualified. Magpie is supposed to be the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, BUT….has no Bachelor’s degree, which is needed to get the Masters degree so you know the rest. If he started when we first brought this to light, it would take him at least 6 years to get the degrees. Now you know… He doesn’t need a degree to maintain and manage our historic buildings. But he can’t even do that! The man is insufferable.

But here’s the connecting thread for Uncle and Nephew.  They collect titles! Collect ’em and do absolutely nothing with them or for the people they

Brian seems to be taking up space on the School Committee. Instead of educating on our remarkable history, he’s interested in adding to his very diverse resume….ahem.

represent.  Brian: MWT Chairman, National Council of American Indians Vice Chair, and the Mashpee School Committee. Okay let’s ask an obvious question here; If you (Tribal member) were on the Mashpee School Committee, wouldn’t you push to implement Wampanoag history in the curriculum? Like, a no brainer, right? It would stop a lot of disrespect and insults to our children.  That’s called real leadership that would restore self-esteem to our children.  Besides.  Mashpee is our homeland.  It is outrageous that our history and legacy is relegated to a Centennial report, like we were never here or died out altogether. Isn’t that our motto?

” We’re Still Here.” What kind of traditionalist is he?

David is double trouble.  He’s on the Tribal Council and the Mashpee Board of Selectman.  A man completely

David has gotten so ridiculous he’s become a prankster masquerading as a Council member. Time to hand him off to the Board of Selectmen, full throttle. It’s a movement.

conflicted out.  Once again, he does little more that talk and does nothing for the Tribe.  So why do we keep paying him? His disinterest in the most rudimentary elements of his responsibilities is astounding.  We won’t review them. He needs to pack up all that incompetent baggage and take it to the Board of Selectman so they can deal with him on a full-time basis. No offense to the Board, but David is a lot.  We can’t take it. We’re talking to the Creator in a big way.

Another thing to keep an eye on is eliminating zoom council meetings.  You know whose big idea that was. But it’s political suicide.  If you’re doing the right thing why do you need to do it under cover? Tribal members have right to see what’s going on whenever they can.  The Tribe needs to have open government 100% but one step at a time.  Just because they don’t get on the zoom doesn’t mean you should cut off all access. Apparently, the Council is working on this and hopefully resolve the zoom access issue.

The other thing is that there should be a report on Council votes and actions in the Mittark.  Right now, no one reads the thing, it’s full of press releases.  There are informative articles, calendars and profiles that are important. But Tribal members need to know what issues are being voted on and how members are voting. It helps at election time! Daisa’s a journalist, she would do a good job.

There are positive things happening.  Serious movement on finance, and economic development which are not initiatives of the aforementioned. We need to start taking into account who is working for us and who is  about getting check.  There are others too. And trust us, it’s a struggle for the good guys to break through, so eyes open Wamps!

The Tribal election is a year away but guess what? New and old candidates are running.  Some of the newbees are getting mixed reviews. News on that next time

The most serious failure of leadership is the failure to serve.







You’re kidding right?

No we’re not. We didn’t talk about the chairman’s probation because we thought m a y b e he would go to trial.  You may recall that he said he would go to trial and would not take a plea deal.  Well sources say the state refused to reduce the

Brian is trapped in the “NO WORK” zone. He has no understanding of the philosophy to “take care of home first.” Tribal members sneer at his NCAI post based on his lack of leadership record.

charges or offer a deal (he’s on video tape for Christ sakes). So a week after his December 12 (7th) hearing, he was immediately scheduled for a ” probable disposition” hearing which signaled probation.  Yup. The judge said this had gone on for ” too long.” Really? Putting him on probation for a year is the most severe sentence that could be administered because it punishes the Tribe! 

Despite the fact that the felony charges are still in place, he has not been convicted, so he does not face constitutional mandate of automatic removal.  And with that, Brian went on to show us his natural _ss.  He was conspicuously absent from the recent community meeting to discuss critical issues facing the Tribe. The big headliner was security at the cemetery, a very very important discussion. The Chief, Medicine Man, Vice Chairman Hendricks, Council members, Roxanne Mills Brown, Nelson Andrews and even Magpie were there to face Tribal members and be accountable….but Brian never showed. He doesn’t show up to deal with anything. But the meeting was very productive with dialogue involving tribal youth, elders and tribal leaders that resulted in a fix that everyone thinks will help.  It’s a good first step.  But more importantly, the Tribal members and it’s leaders worked together for solutions.

Brian is still in charge of Operations, even though he tried to act like he wasn’t during 2 real public comment blow outs a couple of council meetings ago..another mess that never should have happened.  First, we are in dead of winter and the homeless shelter is unable to open for a million reasons.  One reason is no one can work with Robin Tobey.  She proved that with yet another performance of outrageous personal attacks and threats that Brian refused to stop.  But getting the resources to get the shelter open to capacity is stalled because Brian doesn’t give a damn and has no interest in actually helping tribal members.

That means the Tribe is on the merry-go-round of missed opportunities. The federal government recently gave the state $25 million for homeless shelters. As head of Operations, ya think he is going after some of that money? Course not. Is Brian asking anyone to go after that money? No to that too. Again we’re on the merry-go-round of missed opportunities because Brian thrives on chaos. Some managers utilize that strategy that inspires some level of competitiveness. In this instance it’s nothing like that.  A leader he is not.

Back to Magpie for a minute.  We told you about his failure to get BIA

What happened to you David? Your lack of certification disqualifies you as a THPO officer. You can’t certify grants. Why continue to embarrass the Tribe?

certification as a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. Come to find out, it’s not about filling out the paperwork, he doesn’t have the Masters degree needed to even qualify for the certification.  Matter of fact, he does not have a bachelors degree.

So Magpie is the only paid Council member ($80 k) who is a director who is uniquely unqualified for the job.

Over the next year by the time the next election rolls around on Feb 16, 2025, we will have spent $140k on Brian and $90k on his uncle.

Over their 4 year terms its $845k for The Weedens.  Quite a hustle.

Ain’t it awful Mable?




“Representing Wampanoag on a National Level”..Ahem


Brian made NCAI history alright, as the first officer facing felony charges. NEWS ALERT-he also claims membership in the “Eel Clan”. How about none of this nonsense improves your life.

Brian Weeden’s image enhancement plan backfired. Before he stepped off the plane in Boston, Mashpee Tribal members got the word and were grousing about him becoming First Vice President of the National Council of American Indians. Established in 1944, NCAI is a prestigious organization that develops policy, governance and lobbying strategies benefiting tribal nations. Clearly, the Weeden aversion to work of any kind, defies that whole concept. It’s another title for a Tribal Chairman who’s done nothing but ignore huge problems. He has failed to live up to the legacy of landmark achievements by Mashpee Wampanoag “on a national level.” You know the real Tribal leaders past and present. There are many!

National level? How about doing the work of a tribal chairman? That amounts to a (Dunkin) Donut. What they left out was that he’s the first NCAI officer to be facing felony charges of grand larceny. And there were arguments against his nomination by members of the Aquinnah Tribe.  So, $370,000.00 later the

Members don’t accept clans as part of our culture. But the chairman does. He chose the delicious but revolting eel as his family moniker… like picking a web domain name. Anyhow, we went further and for clan fans, here’s what’s available: Scrod, Blue Fish, Herring Roe, Mussels, Lobster and Quahog. Grab one!    MMMMMMM good.

member of the self-anointed “Eel Clan” (Never heard of it.  Maybe because we don’t have animal or fish clans) has done nothing to move us forward. He does get that check regularly. When the scramble for money got tight, there was talk of cutting officers pay, he said, “You ain’t cuttin’ mine.”

With the continued postponements of Brian’s pretrial hearing (#7 scheduled for December 13) we will have paid him (some kinda way) $505,000.00 salary by the February 2025 election. Ya, stuck in crisis mode.  You have to wonder if Plymouth County is punishing us! Brian was constantly screwing with Plymouth Plantation.  Maybe this is payback.


The Department of Interior/ Bureau of Indian Affairs helped us defeat the Littlefield’s lawsuit to take our land out of trust.  That was excellent.  But those people are relentless. Let’s pray the Creator holds them at bay. We need all the help we can get.

The restoration of the Parsonage is finally underway which is another important project we complained about. No word on the museum rodent eradication, but Anita Peters tendered her resignation from her job there. So somethings going on.


Remains an enormous problem. The efforts to coverup in this Tribe are pretty futile.  Everyone knows what’s going on. Brian took over operations and continues on his junkets across country.  There was bad behavior in New Orleans, the housing mess was escalating unchecked, we have no budget, but the

David is expert at self-promotion and a failure at doing his job. And guess what? He doesn’t give a damn if you like it or not.

spending goes on. They are still paying two directors who have no grant resources and ignoring the continuing crises stalled by Brian’s inability to run the government.  Thus, the very low member attendance at Council and Sunday meetings.  The people have given up.  At Reel Wamps, we keep waiting for good news and progress that rarely comes under this chairman. To all our detractors, be reminded that your own family and so-called friends rat you out at a steady clip. We do not tell all because it doesn’t help matters and the stuff is awfully cruel detailed stories.


Again, David Weeden, AKA Da Magpie has added a new route to his struggle bus tour. A couple of months ago the Middleboro historical society was alerted to some tribal remains in what appeared to be at two burial grounds. They wanted authentication.  Well, they called a tribal member who referred them to the Chief. And when the Chief said he was referring it to Magpie, well, there was silence on the other end of the line. The Chief was following the proper protocol being that Magpie is the historic preservation director. And the Chief probably thought Magpie had reformed his ways since he had chewed his _ss out about the museum, the Meeting House and other maintenance negligence (that have plagued his image reboot). So, somebody went over to Middleboro to check things out, but it wasn’t anyone fitting the description of Magpie. Here’s why. Magpie is the Director of Historic Preservation soooooo he’s supposed to be certified by the Department of Interior, wait for it….as a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. You know the rest. He has the job, the $80 k salary and had no intention of doing the work. He never did the training or paperwork to get the certification which means he delayed the release of grants for years. That was probably behind his thinly veiled plan to derail the HACCP oyster farm facility. He threw a temper tantrum in council because the Vice Chairman wanted to remove a dilapidated building without consulting him as “the historic preservation officer.” He couldn’t verify a damned thing if he wanted to. In the end his worthless research amounted to the name of a family of Johnson’s who lived there in the 1800’s. So he insisted that the VC get the town to make the determination. The raggedy building was not on the state or federal historic registers but it was blocking the project. Magpie was stalling the project and covering up his lack of credentials.

Magpie is chained to the struggle bus. But he’s all over the place playing Indian in our name representing us in a fictitious way, never following through or delivering.


This clan business has everyone talking.  Most members say for us, there’s no such thing. That’s true. The Elders say it’s fabricated, annoying and inappropriate. Okay, so the next question is how did we distinguish ourselves from each other? Simple.  By family. We still do it today. Each family has distinguishing features that have transcended time. Whenever someone is trying to remember one of us they start with the tribal family, the parent, brothers sisters and so on. Anyway in the picture below are some substantial Mashpee Wampanoag who were pretty extraordinary in their day and are responsible for our existence. If you’re not related to them or the names on the list below, you’re probably not Mashpee.


Standing: Nelson Simmons, Priscilla Pells, Dorcus Coombs Gardener, Eben Queppish, Annie Pocknett, Alex Pocknett, Rhoda Sturgis, Sarah Amos Pocknett (daughter of Blind Joe Amos), Selena Coombs (child), Mattie Edwards, Cyrus Edwards, William Simons. Seated: Elizabeth Mills Coombs, Charles Peters.

Mashpee Wampanoag families: Amos, Apes, Attaquin, Bearse, Combs, Cowett (Couet),DeGrass, Edwards, Hicks, Hendricks, James, Mills, MIngo, Mye, Oakley, Pells, Peters, Pocknett, Queppish, Simmons, Sturgis, Webquish

Read more about our people and heritage start with The Wampanoags of Mashpee by Russell M Peters (you will see all your relatives there) and The Mashpee Indians Tribe on Trial by Jack Campisi. There are many more books published by tribal members who offer a diverse perspective on our rich heritage.

We should be teaching our children our tribal history.  It would make a big difference in their lives.


The old “hide and seek” hustle

There’s spending going on that we don’t know about.  That’s because we have not had an approved budget for 15 months.  Certain council members keep asking for the budget, but nothing happens.  There’s no explanation for how certain directors are being paid or source of those revenues.  In fact nobody knows what money goes where unless it’s grant driven.

And the Chairman and the Treasurer won’t allow Tribal members take a look at the sources of payment.  They’re not exactly masters of work ethic or have offered any revenue generating ideas. But they are experts at doing absolutely nothing and collecting their checks. The chairman has made $197,904.00 since taking office and will be memorialized for facing charges of grand larceny in the alleged Plymouth episode. That has been delayed for the 5th time until October 27th. No trial means no potential felony conviction which would constitute an automatic removal from office. And….no more pay checks.

Bobby “The Floater” and patriarch of the infamous Fryebal Council weaseled his way into the Treasurer’s seat never accounting for tens of thousands of dollars missing from the 2008 Pow Wow. His mother, uncle, aunts and cousins seeped back into the government center now making up nearly half the staff. Count ’em yourself!


Bobby has to be the only Jaguar driving government treasurer anywhere with a -100 credit rating. We can’t even imagine what our bond rating is ….if we have one cause his financial status craters any semblance of ranking for us. As treasurer he’s made about $53,000.00 so far.  That doesn’t count the money he made as public works director.  His term there was sketchy, you know… good and bad days. Right now, the prediction is that we will be out of money in 3 months. Here’s the rub. There are two projects that are funded by grants that lapsed long ago, but two directors are still getting paid big money. Without a budget, there’s no telling where it’s coming from. One of them is

David’s on the “Struggle Bus from Hell” trying to get some elusive cred. With an 0-4 score card, the Tribe would do better if he got outta the game. Phew bird ! Phew!

Historic Preservation lead by the insatiable Councilman David Weeden, better known as Da Magpie. Actually, we have it on good authority that he’s getting paid out of whatever is left in the COVID money and rumor has it that he got a raise. So is that a reward for his incompetence? Cause Magpie has screwed up so many important tribal historic assets it’s dizzying!

  1. Failed to re-up the Historic Preservation grant.
  2. Failed to eradicate the racoons from the museum. The place is still infested.
  3. Failed to maintenance the Meeting House
  4. Failed to start the $1.6 million historic renovation of the Parsonage!

About the suspected arson of the Parsonage. Well, we all know that abandoned property is a prime target for vagrants and arsonists.  So let’s just add that it could have been avoided if Magpie at least started the project. Or even pretended to start the project would have been a deterrent. The money was available, but once again, the mandated audits are incomplete for the release of the money. Let’s go back to 2019 when the Tribe had $400k from the Town of Mashpee to work on

Jackson & Hendricks got Congressman Keating to successfully get the federal appropriation to restore the Parsonage. The Chairman took over operations shortly after the money came in. The project has been frozen for 8 months. Or is it? We really don’t know do we?

the Parsonage. There were certain requirements the Tribe needed to meet to draw the money down. But didn’t and it’s unclear if the money is still there or reverted back to town coffers. It all points back to Magpie who is all chatter and disaster. Failures come to the tribe at a high price. He moves from project to project.  Now it’s the Wind Farm where the Tribe gets nickel and dime benefits like a clambake/lobster dinner as opposed to something meaningful and long term. He’s trying to portray himself as the big advocate for the Tribe, when he didn’t even know what was in the agreement…too lazy to even scan the damn MOA. Course nerdy Nelson did and brought up the fact that we should get more out of the deal than $4 million over 30 years. So David appears, takes over negotiations guaranteeing it’ll tank.

Some new council members are turning a blind eye to the mismanagement and coverup the same way the Weeden’s did with Cedric. David was in so deep, right to the end he kept talking about ” Where’s the proof?” when Cedric was indicted.  Clinging to power at any cost doesn’t end well.

“Silence is a lie that screams at the truth.”

Ask Donald Trump

Is it true? That “It’s not the crime it’s the coverup?” The insidious 45th President wears a famous idiom around

Delay, delay, delay…the ultimate desperate measure.

his neck like an uncomfortable shirt collar. So, Trump is in such bad shape his only option is trial delays because of the overwhelming evidence against him.  And he’s taking all of his conspirators down with him. The parallels are similar surrounding the Plymouth Episode. The hearing in Plymouth has been “rescheduled” 4 times. Let’s see what happens today on September 19 because the charges are hard to ignore. There have been many efforts to try to make it appear that the Tribe supports what allegedly happened that November night in Plymouth….  which is a stretch to say the least. Topline here: Trump can’t rally people to publicly defend him and likewise, Tribal members are not endorsing bad behavior. Course our Tribe is feeling the pinch that is actually impacting our ability to find investors for the casino mostly. Economic development that is desperately needed is also taking a hit because some view us negatively.


Tribal members have started getting more email notices about the Council meetings and the reason is obvious. Attendance on the Zoom calls have dropped dramatically. While summer has a lot to do with it, rumors abound. And word is out about all the operations management failures and financial issues. The last Council meeting revealed some good results by Councilwoman Rita Pocknett’s department, Indian Health Services. Course Rita’s programs are totally independent of the Tribe. She answers to the federal government only. Early drafts of a permanent building were unveiled.  They were impressive.

Once again Magpie missed an opportunity to score benefits for the Tribe because he won’t do the work. Thus the collapse of the Tribes’ Historic Preservation program under his direction.

Next came what turned out to be a dog and pony show and it was very interesting because of the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) concerning Vineyard Wind 1 (the controversial windfarm off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard) was front and center.  David Weeden went into Magpie mode with a full throttled (20 minutes) lecture to government officials. Those poor people looked like they were going to their execution. He droned on about government-to-government relations, sovereignty and our sacred relationship with the ocean and all nature, at nauseum. It was embarrassing. This project is described as the nation’s first commercial scale offshore wind farm. It’s a monster.  About 15 miles south of the Vineyard 62 turbines will go up in federal waters and through underground cables connect with the Cape’s Cod’s center south shore in Barnstable. This was a 10-year battle with everyone. The Aquinnah, Barnstable and we were against it but not really players in the discussion. A major PR program that spent a lot of money pushed the deal through.

Barnstable got the best end of the deal of course, $16 million. The tribes’ benefits were negligible. Course Magpie kept talking about wanting more out of the deal. So, he went on about scholarships….over and over and over. We certainly need to expand our scholarship programs. But that’s all he had. Course that’s because he never even scanned the 500-page document. But Councilman Nelson Andrews did, pointing out that the Tribe should receive $4 million or more annually instead of over a 30-year period as is stated in the MOA. This is Magpie’s wheelhouse and as usual, he’s late to the pow wow or absent altogether. So they’re back to the negotiation table, thanks to Nelson. But sitting through Magpies nonsensical lecture was killer.

Mimicking the Trump Management Style

So in March, Chairman Brian Weeden took over Tribal Operations by making his

Greendeer in Boston, in full regalia having his own pow wow,  in the middle of the work week. Wow! That’s not what we pay him to do. So, did he take a vacation day? No need.

buddy, Tribal Administrator David Greendeer report to him. And the rapid disintegration of finances, programs and governing essentials is scary. First, you have a TA of questionable character and ability who does not come to work and ignores the problems. He’s spotted all over the country hanging out and still getting paid $125 K a year…but who knows. They give out raises freely! Supposed to have been fired but he’s staying right by Brian’s side just long enough. Still hanging out, grinning, chilling, and drumming.  Throw a damn dart at a map of the United States…his behind is probably there. Anywhere but at the Council. His hire, the comptroller can’t put a budget together, ain’t put a budget together. That guy makes $150k a year. Crisis mode is constant without resolution. The answer to the homeless crisis was a task force that went absolutely nowhere. Committees and commissions try to function and get no support or guidance from the management. We all know the other huge problems that Greendeer ignored and that’s why we are in this mess.

And for those who don’t want to talk about this chaos or cover it up…. everyone knows about it! Unless you live in a cave you have to know that you can’t hide what’s in plain sight.