So yesterday Arlinda Locklear said the BIA LIT decision for the Mashpee
Wampanoag Tribe was “not bullet proof” admitting that the anticipated lawsuits could prove fatal. Apparently a reporters questions about some of the issues we raised here were bounced off Arlinda and she responded with a walk back that was funny and a lecture about the invincibility of the Department of Justice and the Bureau’s decision. All of a sudden the LIT decision was pretty much a done deal and that the lawsuits would have no impact. Really? They win every one of these cases no matter what?
We know that the Department of Justice represents all federal agencies in legal disputes. We know that the US Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer and lawyer for the United States. The AG is also is in charge of the FBI that she sends to investigate messy illegal goings on. They do a pretty good job too. So let’s stop with the civics lesson.
If the legal challenges are going to be dismissed or if there will be no way to interrupt the project, why would you wait 7 – 8 months to break ground? You should be able to start right after the comment period ends on October 18. Why not since you’re so sure the courts will rule in favor of the BIA.
And for God sake have you no mercy on Cedric? Hes been the biggest squall bag

Always squalling and reinventing our history to involve people who were no where around. And lazy reporters print that foolishness.
ever to cross the town line. And for 6 years he’s been dragging that damned shovel around with wampum galore glued on the handle. Why delay his euphoria any longer? Maybe it will make him stop with the bad drumming, bad regalia and even worse head dresses.
But seriously, Arlinda since you’re the spokesperson for the Tribe now and our the legal representative, are you going to file our suit against the government for its failure to pay us benefits for over 104 years? Since the Bureau says we were under their jurisdiction during that time, where’s our money for college, food, healthcare and other reparations? Where’s it at? I know, all we hear are crickets right now.
Since you got so much to say about the Justice Department and have such raptor maybe you can work something out. We see where other tribes have gotten their back pay.
Albuquerque, NM — In a historic settlement, Native American tribes have been awarded nearly a billion dollars. The U.S. Department of Justice announced this week that a settlement was reached with 645 Native American Tribes for the sum of $940 million dollars.
The settlement stems from a 1990 lawsuit, which claimed the U.S. government failed to pay its portion of federal contracts for housing, education, law enforcement and healthcare, as well as a number of other support programs.
Ouch ! The government owes us plenty in back benefits because we never got a dime. Again, can you help us out Arlinda? You’re making that long money, and all we get is $35 a month from the Boston Food Bank and a couple of hams.

Herrin’– “Git ta work girl. ” Roe –“Else we’ll have ta thro you in the pon!.” Herrin–“Yaaaaa ‘n that Navajo Joe too!”
Put all that trial experience to work girl ! Ahem. Besides Herrin’ and Roe are tired of Green Eggs and HAM.