Arlinda celebrates her only victory and still cautions that the LIT is not ” bullet proof” no kidding.
Yes, it was a historic moment. Arlinda Locklear admitted that the BIA LIT decision was “not bullet proof.” Because she knows it will not hold up in court. It could take another several years to resolve the LIT issue and the Bureau’s authority to do so. Groups and individuals will be in court Monday to sue according to several news outlets.
Another interesting note. Kevin Washburn the Assistant Secretary who leads the BIA, announced he was leaving the agency on the same day he released our LIT decision. A bunch of the agency’s division directors under him also announced their departure. Washburn and crew are leaving several piles of poop in the hallway of the Tribal Flags. The Pachanga Tribe has asked the US Attorney General Lorretta Lynch to investigate the Bureau’s neglect and failure to oversee corrupt tribal governments.

Washburn’s decision means the BIA owes the Mashpee a big fat check for millions and millions.Let’s just call it back pay.
And now there’s us….suddenly being under federal jurisdiction of the BIA means they owe us a lot of money…dating back to 1911 when the Dawes Act established tribal rolls. That means the other tribes were getting reparations because they were officially recognized, but we were not. Imagine that we were cut out of the deal for at least 104 years. It amounts to millions of dollars for the 1001 Mashpee. You better believe we’re better off trying to get paid that way than waiting 15 years for a casino allotment from the tribe. Course you can opt for the Green Eggs and Ham.
Washburn’s decision now known as“How I was able to make butterflies and birds fly outta my a– ” will cause delays no doubt, probably years more, according to the Boston Globe but it was a reprieve and a great way for the Cromwell administration to buy time so they can keep getting paid those incredible salaries.
Big problem for the state gaming commission is whether to issue a license in Brockton or keep waiting for us to ” clear hurdles.” The state looses money waiting for us, and makes less in the end. Check out today’s Boston Globe story. It had a pretty thorough, unbiased assessment of what is happening.
Lotta Frye’s at the celebration yesterday and today. Lotta press conference nonsense, hopefully someone asked about when we’re going to get paid, and if the Chinese are really going to hire all their people for jobs etc, etc.
And If there are anymore Fryes left off Cape, you better believe they’re headed this way.
For the real Mashpee….winter is coming.