A vote of no confidence means you’re fired. So Cedric was also stripped of all authority to sign contracts and checks. With no more money to waste or pay bodyguards, lawyers over billing and buying votes, the council voted 9 to zip to say Cedric is was not worthy of the leadership position.

Cedric was described as a “broken man.” If he didn’t resign he’s still defiant. Our advice is to get his passport.
Normally under these circumstances, a person would resign. Not Shovel Ready.
But Je$$ie, Je$$ie can’t take it and resigned Thursday. No date, but she quit. Let’s be honest she was AOL the whole time. Plus she was leading the charge among Council members who were apologizing to Cedric for emasculating him…..like they didn’t know what they were doing. JE$$ie has no tribal member support. Too late for all of it anyway.
There’s more meltdown to come. But one thing won’t change over the next few weeks. We have $507 m debt and no plan for the future. Thanks Running Bear. Thanks so much.