So, Herrin’ and Roe called a Special Meeting. Being Elders, they invited GenZ youth, Weetamoo and Quahog Pie. Of course, they asked Minnie Ah Hah to attend. Since she refuses to update her photo or tell her true age, H & R created the “Timeless” category for her. They met on the river to avoid the spies. The problem, the disfunction and inoperable tribal government.
Herrin’: “Alright, it’s quite a mess ova there with CK and his CW’s. We are at a complete standstill. No budget. We don’t have department heads. And the Chairman’s still runnin’ all over the country, posting salacious topics on social media and collecting almost $3k a week. All we get is his whining and personal grievances. ”
Quahog Pie: “Uncle who is CK and the CW’s?”
Herrin’: “Brian, the Child King and his minions are The Cliff Walkers.”
Weetamoo: “I thought the chairman was “PP” Peter Pan.”
Roe: “No, he graduated to Child King as the chairman. His loyalists and BP will walk off a cliff for him. It’s really somethin’ to see.”
Minnie Ah Hah: “That is foolishness. Who follows a petulant child?”
Roe: ” Numbskulls.”
Minnie Ah Hah: “Must be so because we’ve been on the road to nowhere since he took over Operations.”
Such a shame. Blaming it on the other officers, which is another violation the Constitution. The old timers would not stand for this. This is happening because we have no spiritual guidance.”
Herrin’: “Come on, we got BP! ”
Minnie Ah Hah: “BP?”
That would be “Big Perp.” Guy Cash. The man perpetrating a fraud as the Medicine Man.
Roe: “He’s perpetrating alright. Title only. And the man has no mirrors in his house.”
Quahog Pie: “So he’s a Vampire?”
Herrin’: “Worse than that. He can’t stand to look at himself cause the reflection is of the ancestors kickin’ his ass. Callin’ him “a fake and a fraud.”
Minnie Ah Hah: ” Language young man!”
Roe: ” A fake ana fraud.”
Minnie Ah Hah: “A fake and a fraud.”
Weetamoo: “Well who did his naming ceremony?
Herrin’: “We’re not allowed to tell. But it wasn’t The Cliff Walkers.
Quahog Pie: “Do they really walk off Cliffs for The Child King uncle?”
Roe: ” Yaah.. right into the inferno of old smoldering seaweed, hot rocks, rotten clams and broken quahog shells…. not exactly a redeeming sweat lodge.”
Herrin’: “Awful. That’s their penance apparently.”
Weetamoo;” What’s penance uncle?”
Herrin’: Look it up girl. They’re quite a crew. The leader is TBL, Winnie, The Biggest Looser, LW Winnona, Lovely Winnona… ahem, MP David Weeden MagPie and the infamous TAT, Bobby, The Alleged Treasurer.”
Roe: “That TAT has staying power, I’ll say that.”
Minnie Ah Hah: “His reputation for skullduggery has rewarded him with more nick names than anyone in the Tribe.
Herrin’: “Yaaas Yas. The Floater, Repo Man, No GED for Me, Foreclosed Forever, and now The
Alleged Treasurer. Who would have the nerve to take the job with that kind of past?
Quahog Pie: “Is he really the Treasurer? Cause when I ask people they just start laughing.
Roe: “Is CK the chairman? Course he is.”
Quahog Pie:” But I thought it was make-believe, you know?”
Herrin’: It’s no fantasy. It’s a nightmare. He slipped in just like Winnie did. CK violated the Constitution twice to gain political power. Now CK has made TAT the liaison to the Emergency Management Department. Revenge against Nelson Andrews’ success and service. TAT will begin his “Disappearing Act.” Watch the equipment….poof.”
Weetamoo: “This is awful. And what about the Pow Wow? Are we going to have it? Did the TAT man finds the money?”
Herrin’: “Yet another mystery in the hands of TAT.”
Quahog Pie: ” Uncle, we ask permission to leave. This whole thing is a lot for us. We want to go to the deer farm. ”
Roe; ” Go where you want, but there ain’t no deer farm. So stunneded. The most ridiculous idea ever made by CK. You kids go on home.
Minnie: Ah Hah: ” Well the ancestors apparently have spoken to The Child King. He’s taking down all his mirrors.”
Herrin’: “Too late for the Cliff Walkers though. Following this kid is like booking passage on the Titanic.
No refund no return.
Herrin’ & Roe: “SMDH”
(Translation: Shaking My Damn Head)