Having tried logic, humor, ridicule, petitions, shouts, whispers, and
more, to wake the Tribal government of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to
the intolerable situation that we, the citizens of this Tribe find
ourselves in, must move on to a more proactive, and potentially more
unpleasant action. We have already laid out before them our
complaints. Their recalcitrance in the matters of finance, hiring
policies, and the constitution are well documented.
What I propose today is to remove the present Tribal Council by whatever legal, prudent, and effective way available to us.
First things first. We are not out to create a new tribe, nor to eliminate the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. The goal is to rid ourselves of an illegitimate executive that rode in on a stolen election, and who has continually violated the constitution, failed to perform their duties faithfully, and moved to steamroll any dissent. We are not going to allow this to continue.
First of all, we must organize. We can set up a provisional government-in-exile, as did several Nazi-occupied countries in WWII. The function of the provisional government will be threefold:
- Be the true voice of the Mashpee Wampanoag People.
- Organize and hold elections to fill all posts in the Tribal government.
- Petition the BIA to recognize those elected as the only legitimate Tribal Government.
Once the Tribal government is in place, the provisional government will dissolve itself.
We can, and must, restore order and decency to our Tribal government
Do you agree? You can email us at elders62@comcast.net