A reminder. No deed goes unpunished.

U.S. Attorney Rollins on bribery scheme restitution judgment with Mashpee Wampanoags Nation

Michael Silvia

New Bedford Guide


As if Cedric were not bad enough! At least we’re getting some money back.

“The Mashpee Wampanoags put their trust in Mr. Cromwell when they elected him to represent them. Mr. Cromwell violated and exploited that trust, lining his own pockets through a fraudulent business arrangement with Mr. DeQuattro. Their bribery scheme corrupted and stalled the most significant economic development project in the Tribe’s history. Last spring, a federal jury saw through the lies and found the defendants guilty of their shameful conduct. They were later held accountable at sentencing in November, with Mr. Cromwell receiving a three-year sentence.

Now, thanks to the Mashpee Wampanoag’s current leadership and tenacious legal counsel’s zealous advocacy, our office sought and secured restitution of $209,687.54 from Mr. Cromwell payable directly to the Tribe. This restitution judgment rightly addresses the immense harm these men inflicted upon the Mashpee Wampanoag Nation – harm to its reputation through Mr. Cromwell’s corruption; to its economic development through massive project delays and lost resources; and harm to its financial resources through the significant legal fees and expenses generated in their steadfast support and compliance with our investigation. It is my hope that this judgement closes the door on a dark chapter Mr. Cromwell wrote in the Wampanoag’s rich, extraordinary and profound history. With this corrupt member gone, I am hopeful the Tribe will thrive and flourish.”-Massachusetts Department of Justice.