Herrin’: ” Did ya hear about Cheryl Frye Cromwell’s email ?”
Roe : ” Nope. What she done now?”
Herrin’: ” She sent an email with a picture attached to it…to Indian Health Services, tribal members, staff and the damned world claiming a bunch of eagles were flying over the tribal health office. She said it was a sign of blessings bestowed on the tribe. Oh she went on.”
Roe: ” Well, what’s wrong with that.”
Herrin’: “The picture was of a bunch of turkey buzzards.”
Roe: ” Come on now…come on….turkey buzzards? ”
Herrin’: ” Damned right boy. Turkey buzzards. That girl is titched.”
Roe: “Stunneded ain’t she?”
Herrin’: “Blessed? We been cursed ever since their behinds occupied the Council.”
Roe: ” They gut a special Scavengers Parade for them ya know. Cedric’s the Grand Marshall marching in the front every week….wearing that foolish crown of buzzard feathers.”
Herrin’: ” Oh that’s what that thing is. We didn’t know where the hell he gut that from. Can’t we get a break from these numbskulls?”
Roe: ” Well, I don’t know. They’re pretty funny. Cause they’re so stupid.”
Herrin’: “Ya but ya get tired of laughing to keep from crying.”
Roe: ” Turkey buzzards.”
Herrin’: ” Scavengers.”