Herrin' & Roe release poll.
Herrin’: ” We commissioned a national poll.”
Roe: ” No Sah.”
Herrin’: ” Oh yeah and they did it for free. They said they never saw anything like us and wanted to see if the perception was true.
Roe: “Wow we. What’d they say? ”
Herrin’ : ” Well first, we’re the only tribe in the country that got a swimmin’ pool in the basement of their government building that came as a complete surprise!”
Roe: ” Man that’s quite a deal ain’t it? ”
Herrin’: ” Yah, but here’s one better. They found out that we have the most overpaid undereducated council staff in the nation. And they are getting paid and no one knows what they do !”
Roe: ” Yah mean other tribes don’t do that ? ”
Herrin’: ” Apparently not, or at least not like us.”
Roe: ” That’s quite a distinction hu ?”
Herrin’: ” Yaas. And we’re the only tribe that got a 4% interest loan from the government for the government building and is paying it back with money from Genting at 17% interest for a grand total of 21% interest. But when you get to the Council well they set a national record.”
Roe: ” A national record?”
Herrin’: ” Damn right boy. The Cromwell administration got us the # 1 spot for gettin’ a debt of $72 million, that has absolutely no benefit to the tribal members ! ”
Roe: ” Damn, that’s awesome man, and I hear he’s trying to borrow another $20 million. ”
Herrin’: ‘ You know Cedric Cromwell, always looking out for us. Always. He may be Urban and from Dorcester, but deep down he knows who he serves. And he takes the top spot for handing millions of dollars over to more White consultants and lawyers than any tribal chairman in the history of the United States. And we haven’t had a pantry in years.”
Roe: ” Wow. And I hear he really takes care of those guys cause he’s still paying them every month whether they do anything or not!. ”
Herrin’: ” Yah, he really looks out for us don’t he?”
Roe: ” What else, this is good stuff.”
Herrin’: ” Well we rank # 1 in violations of the Constitution, which means we get no department or grant reports, no budget reports, just random ones that make no sense. Number 1 for discriminatory hiring practices favoring Fryes. Number 1 in nepotism, especially in granting loans and services from Housing. A Tribal Court without authority that eats up money. Cedric holds the record in election suppression and missing documents. And he has his Slush & Hush Fund that he pays certain Council and friends with. And a larger percentage of our tribal members and Council staff who go to surrounding Pantries, because we don’t have one!”
Roe: “What about the Council ?”
Herrin’: ” Oh well, that’s the best ! We were tops in ” Most Insane, ” ” Best Female Brawler,” ” Best Fabricator of All Time,” ” Best Scam Artist, ” ” Most Spineless, ” Most in Over His Head,” ” Worst Chairman in the World,” and the big one “Most Ineffective and Abusive Tribal Council in the World.”
Roe: “Man, top honors eh?
Herrin’: ” We can really hold our heads up.”
Roe: ” Hey do the papers know yet ?”
Herrin’: ” They’ve know for a while.”
Roe: ” I heard they got the food cards back.”
Herrin’: ” No, ain’t true. Those $ 30 cards cost too much.”