We’re from the Tribal Council, and we’re here to help…

I can’t speculate on how many of you have read, or even aware of the “Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Gaming Authority Ordinance,” or if you have, how well you understand it.  At first glance, it is pretty much what I would expect.  It lays down all the necessary language to insure the proper operation of an authority that could very well manage many millions in property and income.  All well and good, but I have some nits to pick.  Nits as big as a city bus.  Let’s take a look. (Formatting and emphasis to clarify meaning.)

From section 6, Authority Officers and Board of Directors:

(b) Subject to Section 6(k) of this Ordinance, the members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the following:
(i) all individuals duly serving from time to time as the Chairperson or Treasurer of the Tribal Council (as those offices are described in the Constitution); any change in the individuals holding one of the foregoing offices of the Tribal shall result in an automatic corresponding change in the membership (and office) for the Board of directors; and(ii) up to three additional individuals (if any) duly serving as members of the Tribal Council, such appointment to be at the pleasure of the Tribal Council and lasting only so long as these additional individuals are serving on the
Tribal Council.
(c) Subject to Section 6(k) of this Ordinance:
(i) any individual then duly serving as the Chairperson of the Tribal Council shall automatically serve as the President of the Board of Directors; (ii) any individual then duly serving as the Treasurer of the Tribal Council shall automatically serve as the Treasurer of the Board of Directors…


(i) Except if approved by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, any meeting of the Board of Directors shall not be open to all members of the Tribe.

So the membership of the board of directors is limited to the chairman, treasurer, and any other Council member they want.  How convenient.  Not to mention that ordinary Tribal members will be locked out of meetings.

From section 7, Reports:

(a) The Board of Directors shall keep records of all meetings and actions taken by it, and  such records may be viewed by or on behalf of any member of the Tribal Council at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice to the Secretary or the President of the Board of Directors.

And, from section 11, Accounting Matters:

(e) The books, records and property of the Authority shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by authorized representatives of the Tribal Council.

Where is the clause giving ordinary Tribal members the right to see books and records?  Are we to be kept in the dark as usual?

The Cromwell gang has once again shown their corrupt natures and their intentions.  They mean to continue to run the Tribe as their personal cash cow, in secret, and counter to every tenet of decent leadership you can imagine.  Prepare to be part of a banana republic.

See for yourself, download this PDF file:  Mashpee Tribal Gaming Authority Ordinance

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