How Cedric disguised himself as an Indian


In Costume, looking totally foolish. No one can identify what Cedric has on his head.


The Boston Globe did a story on how Cedric Cromwell  was thesoft spoken Mashpee Wampanoag Chairman who was leading his suffering tribal members out of the wilderness to a well deserved “jackpot.”

Cedric must have disguised himself  in one of  his awful crazy Indian costumes as he whispered his famous clap trap to the unknowing reporter. We know it’s all about Cedric’s Jackpot, by way of the paycheck.

Cedric was not soft spoken  when he screamed that a Mashpee  Wampanoag woman was  a mother fu–ing bi— in the Council parking lot in front of 5 witnesses.  He was not soft spoken when he  proceeded to go into the Tribal offices and scream, insult and bully  tribal elder and Treasurer Nellie Hicks Ramos for asking the District Attorney to investigate his secret taping of  Council executive sessions and threatening Council members with it.

Cedric’s dirty secrets reveal a man without identity and a sallow wannabe who has destroyed the Mashpee Wampanoag with his outrageous quest for power.

Cedric had little to do with the tribe prior to mid  2000.  He was elected to the Council and as recognition became eminent, Glen Marshall and Shawn Hendricks called him in and reminded him that he could not continue to serve because he was not on the tribal roll. Imagine that.  Cedric did not know what the tribal roll was. ” Thanks Cuz,” he said.

He went to see Patty Oakley who was the tribal genealogist and she told him he had a problem.  The problem was that his mother (and his aunt Theora) was adopted by a Boston family when she was 5 year old that was reflected on her birth certificate.   The people who adopted Connie were not Mashpee.  Even if they were, she would not have qualified under the tribes strict membership requirements.  He had to go to court to resolve that and get his mother to unseal her birth records.  So his mother, aunt, brother or  himself were never members of the tribe until  he brought  his mother’s correct birth records to the membership committee.  In 2006 he, along with family, became Mashpee Wampanoag.

Cedric was not raised in the tribal community as he said in his campaign material.  In the Globe he said he was an Indian victim struggling with his identity growing up in  Boston.  For God’s sakes!  People who knew him at Fidelity as a technician and in Boston or Dorchester said they knew nothing of any Indian heritage. He didn’t know his damned self.

Casino transformed Cedric and got him into costume.

And to think he turned on Glen Marshall, Shawn Hendricks and fired Patty Oakley because they knew too much. That shows you he’s not Mashpee and will sell away our sovereignty for a bushel of quahogs. And Herrin’ and Roe says he can’t fish for ’em nor can he cook ’em.  That tells you something.

Don’t blame it on the White man. They’re laughing at us like everyone else.