What the hell is goin’ on ? The random and unqualified jump ‘board

So we have all these people trying to qualify to run for all the officers posts for all the wrong reasons. So, we’re so damned tired of the bull s—, the same bull s— you’ve heard, so we’re going to break it down. Let’s leave chairman out for a minute and focus on the other three officers seats…Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.  So match the foolish reasons with certain candidates who are running.

“I can’t stay on the council if he is Vice Chairman”

“”I ain’t working under her.”

“I’m gonna get someone to do the books for me.”

“She ain’t tellin’ me what to do.”

Now look it.  Not a damned one of these women has the credentials to run for anything. Let’s just say it. So are they running for  a check, to keep their families on the dole or whatever ? They do not represent the smart Mashpee women of years past who looked forward to a future of promise for their people.  It is a damned disgrace that they offer shallow weak justification for their candidacies.

The beautiful, “sassy” Mashpee women who played a major role in our, federal recognition, survival and progress. Anne Peters and first cousin Hazel Peters Oakley were members of the family that lead the Mashpee Wampanoag to federal recognition. Their dedication to the Tribe reinforces the prominence of women leaders among indigenous American people.

Where’s Hazel? Where’s Mrs. Stella Hicks? Where’s Amelia? Where’s Mrs. Mable (Pocknett) Avant?Where’s Mrs Emma Mills? Wheres Aunt Nelly, Where’s Aunt Dart? Where’s Leona? Where’s Aunt Vi? Where’s Mrs Marion( Peters) Hendricks? These women candidates don’t even know who these women are. What they need to know is none of them would stand for this outrageous behavior.

We are a people who trace our ancestry back to 1620,  And we have continued to survive despite the odds.  Clearly these candidates don’t get it.

We are at our weakest point and have very few who will stand up to Genting and understand that our land in trust situation is UNCHANGED. We are in limbo.

Okay, so what is their plan to get our land permanently in trust ? Oh oh okay.  Do you hear those damned crickets?.

One more thing about the LIT casino blah blah…

Genting owns us lock stock and barrel.  If they build our casino on their property in Taunton (as planned), all the profits from the casino go to pay off our $750m debt. YOU GET NOTHING. They will keep paying you know who who continue in the Cedric Cult.

We are still under the scrutiny of the Department of Justice.  Apparently some

Mrs Mable Avant epitomized the Mashpee Wampanoag spirited demeanor…always challenging and humorous.

people don’t understand that.  Genting is a predatory lender that has a  long track record of abuse among small Native American tribes.  But that check is a very sticky bait cause it comes with jail time.  Ask Cedric. Where the hell is Mark Harding?  He robbed us so bad it makes your eye water. Herring Pond my ass.  Look at ” Knees Knocking'” Gordon Harris, gut spilling all over the place. Look at Robbie Hendricks…a wonderful guy destroyed by Cedric’s BS.

And we’re going into an election run by  women from one family  who have absolutely no idea what they are doing…and don’t care.Just want to get paid.

Simple election day vote by drop box is the way to do it where everyone votes and sees what’s happening.

The Justice Department s watching everything don’t forget,