“Wassa matta with you boy ? Just pay the fisherman

It’s tough enough without the tribe working against you.

You know, it’s not like we don’t have enough problems.  The Council is shut down, perhaps to mourn the loss of their cult leader Cedric Cromwell, and then maybe it’s just the usual incompetence.

But the tribal fisherman, about 30 want their money.  Now we know where the problem is.  It’s so sad that we have lost all semblance of decency and respect  for the men (mostly) who fish for a living and have been hit hard by the COVID.  Their restaurants and other markets are virtually shut down…so what does Mr. Gordon Harris do…he won’t pay the fisherman their $800 in Cares (COVID)money.  Course Denise is in there being messy and mean.

Pay the fisherman.Being decent does not cost anything.