Markie Markie Markie… You’re such a rascal !

The meeting with the town of Mashpee over the tax issue and the Community Building was like watching a used car salesman pitching a car that the buyer knows won’t make it off the lot.  Poor Cedric Cromwell was doing his blather about the economic impact in Mashpee and tribal sovereignty.  (sigh…) He wouldn’t look anyone  in the eye as he rattled on about sovereignty. Could that be why the tribe has  to pay the back taxes, and secure building permits from the town?No sovereignty? Ya think? Ah, no Land in Trust?

Ain't they cute?

Let’s t  go back to the beginning of the meeting. Remember  Cedric accused Chucky Green of  ” setting him up “? Well, it turns out that Chucky was trying to warn Cedric that Markie Harding was doing his thing by trying to cut all kinds of deals with the town. Behind his back of course.  Up to his old tricks he was.  He was offering land exchanges in lieu of the taxes and all kinds of crazy stuff. Course Grungy Boy still thinks Markie is his friend.  Grungy’s stupidity is exhausting ya know? It was a vintage Markie Move.

Worse than that was Markie’s contractor’s presentation to the town….a preliminary discussion about the building specs etc.  Whatever the town asked about easements and a multitude of  standard construction questions…the guy said “I don’t know,”  over and over again.  Mark loves to subcontract under front construction firms.  The tribal coffers continue to be his private ATM.  Ahemm…..