Emergency Meeting tonight–Budget and finance on the table

Trying to get a look the finances or formulate a budget has been a slog.  The Child King cancelled last week’s budget meeting, clearly to prevent a big reveal of the bad news he’s been covering up. Of course, Council neophytes are about to discover how badly CK scammed them with big budget promises. Sucking up to CK is not real productive as they will soon find out

So, Councilman Nelson Andrews called the emergency meeting scheduled for this evening to get to the bottom of the financial crisis that has been covered up for 3 years. To no one’s surprise, TAT (Bobby, The Alleged Treasurer) will not be in attendance. You may recall he said that his role as treasurer has nothing to do with finance. Yup.

Interestingly, the Council has moved ahead with new hires of a Tribal Administrator and Human Resource manager. Conspicuously absent from the decision making was CK of course.  Always absent never present.

Ironically, this week CK’s at a leadership training conference at Dartmouth.

We’re not kidding.

“When you were made a leader, you weren’t given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.”