Cedric and the Gaming Authority a deadly partnership

This indictment is a condemnation of the Tribal Gaming Authority.

The superseding 14 count indictment of Cedric Cromwell is a 35-pages long document loaded with findings that are damning. It tells the story of how the infamous Tribal Gaming Authority was able to execute a portion of the Cromwell administration expenditures of hundreds of  millions of dollars at will. It was done in secret for over 10 years. No oversight. No Council vote. No explanation or justification for the expenditures   Like a seperate government. Cronies on the board rubber stamping Cedric’s contracts and never questioning the Genting money going to Genting vendors and favorites IN OUR NAME.

The long dark shadow is totally horrific.  We will summarize the indictment but publish it in it’s entirety so you can see first hand what happens when there is no transparency.

The point is…nothing has changed.