Brian Weeden making all the wrong moves

Brian Weeden’s ambition has over run his common sense. He was surprisingly insensitive about his leadership role in this pandemic when we face great danger. Apparently he does not value the lives of those who’s shoulders he stands on.

So…everybody’s talking about Brian Weeden’s being the first to get the vaccine. And they are angry.This was days ago because he was showing off on Facebook.  Running his mouth about this and that while getting the needle.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s in the Cape Cod Times bragging about it.  Okay, we know what you’re about to say….” What the hell is wrong with him? What about the elders ?” Why wasn’t the oldest Mashpee Wampanoag brought in and given a shot?

Native Americans are among the 3 ethnic groups with the highest incidents of deadly diseases. Combine that with the fact that the elderly are most vulnerable to COVID-19. Maybe he doesn’t know that. He’s the least likely to succumb to he disease.   Again, Facebook wasn’t enough, he had to be all in the Cape Cod Times. Again…for about the 4th time in a month.

He is TPOK….The Photo Op King.

So he’s supposed to be running for Chairman. Ahem. I know it….  So is this the kind of leadership he’s going to present to us if elected? Grandstanding? His lack of experience, education and maturity is glaring.  Can you imagine him with a little power?

This is not a happy place that we’re in Brian.  You need to stick to the internet….you’re apparently very prolific in that space.