What now “His Hokaness?”

Not a good Sunday meeting was it His Hokaness?  Corrie Dadabbo got in in your face cussed you out and stealthfuly eluded the Clown Patrol (security).  When they would try to close in, she would move to the other side of the room and then move in on His Hokan from her new position. HH had a crew of cops and security on site.

It was such a raucous spew fest the council members barely raised there heads to mutter anything, let alone respond.  Frankly they couldn’t say much because the Natives were restless and sick of the debt and the Woebegones.

Crystal Maddox raised so much hell security threaten to remove her….course she said, ” You ain’t taking me outta here. ” And they didn’t try.

All versions of sentences using the word lie were a common thread.

“You lie”

“Why are you telling that lie?”

“You’re lying.”

“You just can’t stop lying.”

“Lies all lies.”

It went on like that.  Too much for right now, the calls are coming in with more accounts.

Oh, one last thing.  His Hokaness did not have a friend in the audience. Lonely.