The Election Connection

Tribal members have filed a Tribal court challenge to the February election.  The primary complaint centers on the fact that known tribal members were turned away because they dd not have ID. These tribal members were clearly disenfranchised from their constitutional right to vote.  Also known was the fact that those members (at least 15) were certain to vote against the Cromwell slate.  Those 15 votes would have ousted The First Lady (257votes) and her first cousin Yvonne Frye Avant (266 votes) pushing Laura Miranda  into the victory lane and Robrt Dias and Carlton Hendricks Jr ahead of Winnie Johnson and Winnona Pocknett. You can refresh your memory on the vote tallies in  our Feb 9 post.

It’s amazing how critical those15 votes were, and that was not lost on the Cromwell administration.   The entire political mood of the Council would have be changed with TFL and Mean Travel Queen bounced, Robert Dias added and Carlton Hendricks, Jr. re-elected.

Election Monitors officially doing nothing

Here’s another absurdity in the election process.  Members raised hell about the the secrecy of the process, the voting machine company’s record of questionable outcomes and most of all, the lack of integrity in the election process….the absence of Elders and independent oversight was always a huge concern because of the make up of the election committee itself.  You will recall it’s loaded with Cromwellian supporters.

Anyway, the administration consented to having a panel of “election monitors.”  A token concession in light of the fact that the monitors;

A-Did not know what they were looking for regarding voting irregularities

B-Did not know how to examine the voting machines to prevent tampering

C-Had no known process to utilize in the event of irregularities

D-Sat in the front of the polling place and did nothing (under the watchful eye of Navajo Joe)

The so called “election monitors” were useless when they did not stop the election officials from turning away known tribal members. And of course the Administration wanted it that way.  They saw Connie Cromwell get a brand new tribal ID on the spot…..while others were turned away. The idiocy of it all is that she too is a known tribal member and does not need an ID.

She, like her son did not get on the roll until 2006. Oh yah, and Glenn Marshall and Patty Oakley had to explain to Shovel Ready what the roll was and why he needed to be on it. SRC was the consummate Casino Stalker from the start. He has the nerve to try to spin positive media recently by giving people a video tour of our historic sites. The guy never spent more than a few days here during his formative years. He is Dorchester / Roxbury for sure. That is obvious.

Shovel Ready Ceddie knew what he was doing with this latest in a series of bad elections. And things heat up and the Land in Trust becomes a confirmed fantasy…. he is trying to hang on and do a better job of burying that money in the Arkana Sacred Burial Ground.

Aho Bro