Read it and weep: The Harvard Report

We here at ReelWamps have come in to possession of a report by The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development and the Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona.  We had wondered about the progress of the report, but there was no indication of any conclusions from these groups.  Frankly, we had thought that the project had fallen by the wayside, but we were wrong.  Here is, for all to see, the report, titled “Inventory Assessment, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.”  This is a document that should give you some sleepless nights.  See the link to the document at the end of this post.

Has Cedric been sitting on this report? It is dated 2011.  Is he afraid of the possible repercussions of this report?  He should be.  While his sycophants may cheer him and praise his performance as our chairman, there is something definitely and functionally wrong with this administration.  Could it be that they are so obsessed with their political power and economic gain that they have overlooked their duties to the Tribe?  You decide.  Download the document at the end of this post, read it, and print it out if you can and pass it out to others.

We will be making specific comments on this, but would like for you to be familiar with this.


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