On bended knee

Cedric Tobey Cromwell has a new strategy.  He laid it out during the marathon council meeting that resembled Cirque du Soleil.

He’s going to ask the Bureau of Indian Affairs to ” provide guidance ” on drafting a new compact. Call it a serious cry for help on a casino that clearly is gonzo. Especially since the governor is trying to get a job in DC despite his scandalous tenure and the talks between the tribe and the state are non existent.

Let’s  add  that the Bureau’s disdain for us right now only means the scrutiny of our so called government will only intensify.

So.  Cedric’s  officers and Council paid nearly $ 4 million dollars for legal counsel  over a few months that resulted in the  worst compact in the United States. Why not ask  one of the 12  top notch lawyers for help?You over  paid them enough for bad advice and the pursuit of  projects that they knew were not possible….more fodder for the Bar Association.

The news articles saying that the Cromwellians have spent$40 m  is an under estimate, because no one knows what the Cedric Tobey Cromwells have done.  We have not seen  a budget for the first  3 years they were in office. Of course Reel Wamps  kept you informed for nearly 4 years while the newspapers printed the Administration’s press releases as though they were gospel.  Now Cedric will not return their phone calls.

But when you’re a pimp, you only worry about your money.  The lawyers are worried about questions of over billing and…….

The tribe is stuck with the bill and no way to repay it.  There’s a waiver of sovereign immunity. But the misfeasance and  malfeasance remains a problem….for Ceddie and crew. No contract with the Malaysians will protect them from government prosecution.  The government could care less about your exemption for personal liability for the loans. The government is interested in your willful participation in fraud, and the fact that the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is damned near destitute as a result! Cedric, Aaron, Mark, Yvonne, Trish, Cheryl, Selena and Laura will not be able to show the government one piece of evidence to account for nearly $50 million dollars loaned to us by the Malaysians. Not good, not good at all.Nothing to show for an average of  12 -14 million in debt a year at 17% interest.  Nothing but shame and despair.

Good luck to all preparing to launch their campaigns  today at the  Sunday Meeting.  Sitting by silent while the tribe suffered for 4 years does not make you any better than the current scandalous scoundrels. And if you’re waiting for a groundswell of support….you better not hold your breath. Mashpee folk may be helpless right now, but they’re not stupid.