My sister-in-law delivered ! It’s the Navajo Way!

So Genting is tough.  Navajo Joe was laughing at us as he walked the perimeter. A thousand Mashpee Wampanoag could show up and vote for Tony Moniz and it wouldn’t count.  To say that Cedric Cromwell received over 400 votes from the indigenous Mashpee Wampanoag is absurd.  To say that a member of the 1001 received 23 votes sends a message alright Mr Dine.  The federal court is already looking at the 2009 disaster and now Kimmie and Navajo Joe handed them more ammunition.

Can you identify this man? They couldn't.

They allowed no independent observers to watch the ballot box being removed and actually counted.  What happened after the ballots were delivered to be counted is any ones guess, because everyone….everyone was thrown out of the building. No independent members were there to observe the counting.

What takes 5 minutes to tabulate took 2 hours.  Everyone knew they were at it again.  That was Navajo Joe’s orders.,  Only Kimmie, her kids, Yvonne Tobey and a few people who know nothing about elections were marching around and asking prominent Mashpee for ID.  It was so surreal. For the second time, a stolen election happened before our eyes.