Mr. Opposition Research

Lookin' for something?

The Cromwell Crew is trying to stay in office anyway it can. With CeddieLou’s popularity plummeting to an all time low, the alleged tribal chairman  is launching his campaign with a spying expedition aimed at one of his presumed opponents and that would be David Pocknett.

He’s assigned Pocknett’s neighbor and cousin Billy Pocknett to the task of monitoring who comes and goes from D Pocknett’s house. B Pocknett is the leader of Aaron Tobey’s Bomber Jacket Elders….you know, the made-up elders…..any way, true to form the CeddieLou’s crew is part of the clown patrol that can’t do a damned thing right.

You see, all B Pocknett’s reports will have to be oral cause they say he can’t read or write.

Well  sah.