

The Unknown Headdress of Cedric Cromwell

The Indian Country Today column by Cedric Cromwell, about LIT, is clearly written by someone else. It’s riddled with errors concerning our history….but what the hell. Cromwell has never told the true story about anything. Well, the effort to act like he knows something about land into trust, backfired with a host of negative demoralizing comments (20) from a lot of people who don’t like him or Jessie Baird the so called linguist ( wink wink). The past caught up with the both of them and the critics laid it out. His lack of Indian credentials and motivation for gaming ( that has gone down hill) really was the focal point….and it is yet another wound inflicted by someone who really should not be at the helm. He has taken us to a new low.
Take a look for yourself and look at what people think of us because Cedric is not perceived to be Native no matter what costume he puts on. Have a look…