About that rabbit hole…..one more thing

What happened last night was more than a powerplay by Cedric acolytes.  It confirmed that this crew has no intention of being honest with our people. They seemed to be stunned by their victory with that ” Oh s—” look and quickly started trying to assure everyone that they would keep everything ” transparent” and allow council participants to sit in.  Problem is, only Authority members vote. The other problem is there is never any follow-up.  The promises ring hollow.

Even though the Gaming Authority is essentially disabled, (for now) it represents a place where the Chairman rules unequivocally. It’s a dictatorship pure and simple. There’s no discussion, there’s no planning, there’s just an echo chamber bouncing back and forth from him to his mentor the former Secretary, now Treasure Marie Tah Tah Deja vu.

When is the Council going to sit down and talk about the Tribe’s priorities, goals, federal, state, and local agendas? The clock is ticking on Land in Trust because if the Democrats lose control of the US House or US Senate or both, we are screwed. There are no retreats to share ideas and hash it out. There is no interest in looking beyond the next Council meeting that is usually dominated by corrective actions. This is the Chairman’s job…to lead.

It’s real! And we’re in it.

They are deep into Cedric’s rabbit hole and the pledges to do things differently make you scoff. The Tribal members have no confidence in its government because of these kinds of stunts. And it’s an affront to people who have suffered way too long.

Marie has single-handedly crippled the Tribal government. She has failed to:

  • Allocate the $15 million appropriations from the federal government
  • Present a budget (for 8 months)
  • Focus on any of her responsibilities as Treasurer

We don’t know why Marie does what she does. We do know she is destructive.

She continues to conduct unauthorized actions that slow essential  operations

  • Tried to back door the hiring of the Comptroller offering him a $40,000 bonus without Council approval. set the hiring back at least 2 months
  • Changing the staff organizational structure to empower herself
  • Continuing to meddle in HR
  • Bullying Housing Commissioners and anyone else she feels is a threat
  • Dumping her responsibilities on others to execute

Marie does not have exclusive rights to “The Horror Show.” She has a bunch of council members who are complicit conspirators.  You know who they are.

One thing is for sure, they carry the “Rabbit Hole” brand on their foreheads.